One of the stories I submitted last year went to an online magazine, and let me tell you that was an up and down ride.
The first email I got was this:
We’re delighted to let you know that your story, “Short Story,” has just been accepted for its second step in our selection process. Each of our editors will evaluate your story and we’ll make a final decision as to whether or not we’ll be able to accept it for publication. This happens for less than 10% of our submissions.
You should hear back from us within one month.
Then a few weeks later…
Our editorial review of your truly lovely, delicate story, “Short Story,” has been completed. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to use your piece at this time.
Once again, though, we liked your work. Please be aware that only a small percentage of the stories submitted to us ever make it to the ‘second step’ stage where we’ve been considering your story, and only 52 can be published within the framework of our weekly schedule each year.
We genuinely look forward to seeing more of your work in the near future.
Wow, that was a let down, let me tell you, particularly since this particular editor really did seem to like the piece. Happily, it later was published in a different market 😆
Hey, don’t knock it! A personal rejection is the next best thing to an acceptance. I got one from The Missouri Review that still has me walking on clouds.