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Hint Fiction Artwork

Last year I had a short-short story titled “Insomnia” Posted in a W.W. Norton anthology titled Hint Fiction: An Anthology of Stories in 25 Words or Fewer. All of the stories included were 25 words or fewer, and the authors ranged from very well known such as Joyce Carol Oates the very unknown such as I. It was edited by Robert Swartwood, and not only was it a fun piece to write, but the book turned out fantastic, and is in its second printing I believe.

Now a couple of months ago I received an email from Robert that some of the stories from the book were going to be included in a juried art show at the Columbia Art League in Columbia, MO. I didn’t think too much of it, assuming my story wouldn’t be one of the ones picked. However, about a month ago I received an email from Robert (who was flown out for the show, the lucky dog) that my story had inspired, not one, but two pieces in the show. And he sent pictures that I have his permission to post.

My story – which was also included on the website for the show (how lucky am i??) – was:

  Sleeping Beauty never minded the spindle prick. It was the wake-up kiss she hated.

The first artwork is by Inessa Morelock:

Insomnia by Inessa Morelock
Insomnia by Inessa Morelock

The second one was by Gennie Pfannenstiel:

Insomnia by Gennie Pfannenstiel
Insomnia by Gennie Pfannenstiel
Insomnia by Gennie Pfannenstiel
Insomnia by Gennie Pfannenstiel

BOTH were also featured in The Columbia Daily Tribune’s slideshow of entries! Also there is a writeup here.

I hope one of them wins the show!

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